The Tentgirl

Ways To Make Fake Camp Fires: 5 Methods

How to Make A Fake Camp Fire: 5 Methods [Super Easy]

I know how difficult it can be to keep your little ones entertained and engaged during long road trips or camping excursions. That’s why I’m excited to share some fun and creative ways to create the perfect pretend campfire for your little ones.

I folded sheets of tissue paper in different colors in half and layered them on top of each other to create my fake campfire. Next, I cut the layered sheets into squares and diagonally into triangles. I bunched the triangle shapes together at the base, and voila.

I’ll share some of the best methods for making a fake campfire to make your little ones feel like they’re sitting around a real one.

How To Make A Fake Camp Fire: 5 Methods

5 Ways To Make A Fake Camp Fire

I have learned how to create a fake campfire for our camping-themed playtime. I will share my experience and provide detailed instructions for making a realistic fake campfire using different methods.

Fabric and Fan Method

I have discovered a convenient way to make a fake campfire using fabric and a fan. It helps us create a cozy atmosphere in the wilderness and makes it safer for me to keep an eye on my precious ones.

I know the importance of making our camping experience as enjoyable as possible. I created a fake campfire with fabric and a fan to add to our camping adventure.

I gathered all the necessary materials, including red, orange, yellow, and black fabric, cut into small strips. I started building our campfire by arranging the fabric strips to resemble a fire, with the red and orange at the bottom and the yellow towards the top to give it a realistic look.

I used a low-speed fan behind the fabric to make the flames dance. This created a flickering effect to simulate flames, making our camping experience more authentic and memorable.

I created a fire pit out of rocks and surrounded it with sticks and logs to make the fake campfire look more realistic.

I recommend using a fan with an adjustable speed setting to ensure a lifelike campfire. This allows me to control the speed and height of the flames. I like to add wood chips or fake embers scattered around the area for a more authentic campfire ambiance.

Pool Noodle Campfire for Pretend Play

I have found that it can be challenging to keep my baby and pet entertained while on the road. I created a fake campfire from a pool noodle for pretend play.

I first created an appearance similar to logs by cutting along the length of the pool noodles. I painted the noodles with various shades of brown and orange to mimic the colors of natural records. I then added yellow, orange, and red tissue paper strips to create the flames.

I arranged some rocks around my pool noodle campfire to make it look natural and add realism. I also put some sticks and marshmallows nearby so my kid could practice roasting them.

My baby and pet were fascinated by the fake campfire and spent hours playing around it. Seeing them using their imaginations and having fun while we were on the road was beautiful.

Quick Tissue and Flashlight Method

I know how important it is to keep them entertained on long trips. I want to share my experience creating a fake campfire using tissue paper and a flashlight. It’s easy and quick to set up, plus it’s a great way to stimulate your child’s imagination and enhance their dramatic play skills.

First, I gathered a few sheets of tissue paper, crumpled them, and placed them in the center of my desired campfire location. Next, I turn on my flashlight and position it underneath the tissue paper.I am amazed at how realistic the effect looks.

I’ll add a woodsy ambianceto my camping experience by placing twigs around the campfire. I’ll get creative with rocks or boulders for a more natural look and feel. I’ll bring stuffed animals to gather around the fire, act out scenes, or sing campfire songs.

Not only does this quick and easy campfire setup provide entertainment for my child, but it also serves as a bonding experience for my family. We take turns telling stories or conducting sing-alongs. It’s a great way to make memories while on the road.

I highly recommend this tissue paper and flashlight method for creating a fake campfire. It’s an affordable and convenient way to stimulate your child’s imagination while keeping your family entertained on long trips.

Campfire for Dramatic Play

Make a fake campfire for dramatic play

I’ve had my fair share of adventures. I love setting up a fake campfire for dramatic play during our camping trips. It adds to the atmosphere and creates a more realistic camping experience for my little ones. I’ll share my supplies, methods for a comprehensive fake campfire setup, and tips and suggestions for optimizing the camping theme.

I’ll need a few essential supplies to get started. Firstly, I will find a large cardboard box or a plastic container that will be the base for my campfire. I can purchase flameless LED tea lights or make my own using yellow and orange tissue paper.

I’ll also gather some sticks, stones, and twigs to place around the tea lights, creating the impression of a real campfire.

I will show you how to set up your fake campfire. First, find a cardboard box or plastic container and put it in the center of your camping area. Then, place flameless LED tea lights or homemade tissue paper lights inside the container.

Arrange sticks, stones, and twigs around the container to make it look more realistic. Remember to use sticks and stones of different sizes for a natural-looking campfire.

I want to discuss some tips and suggestions to optimize my fake campfire for the camping theme. I can use a black marker to draw faux wood grain on my sticks or even carve my posts out of natural wood to add authenticity to the experience.

If I can access a Bluetooth speaker, I should consider playing nature sounds or campfire songs to enhance the ambiance.

I find that creating a pretend campfire is such a fun and easy way to bring the camping experience to life for my little ones. With just a few essential supplies and creative ideas, I can create a memorable camping adventure that will last a lifetime.

Additional Resources

I would like to share my experience of making a fake campfire with you through this blog post. Traveling with little ones is difficult, but we can make our camping experience more enjoyable with some creativity.

One of the things that made our camping trip feel more authentic was when we built a fake campfire. We didn’t want to risk having a real fire with a baby and a pet, so we devised our DIY solution.

First, we found a large cardboard box and cut it into the shape of a campfire pit. Then, we painted the inside of the box with black and red paint to make it look like burning coals.

I gathered some sticks, logs, and pinecones to create the illusion of flames. I arranged the materials inside the cardboard pit, placing them securely to avoid accidents. Lastly, I added some LED fairy lights to give it a warm and cozy glow.

The fake campfire enhanced our camping experience. It created such a fun setting for our little ones. Our baby loved looking at the colorful “flames,” and our furry friend was so relaxed lazing around the pit. It was just the perfect addition to our camping-themed playtime.


Creating a makeshift campfire is a fantastic way to bring magic to your camping experience. Not only is it a fun activity for kids, but it also adds to the overall authenticity of the camping experience. Whether you create a fake campfire using a pool noodle, fabric, fan, tissue paper, or a flashlight, your little ones will love it.


When building a fire pit’s interior, I must use fire-resistant materials. That’s where fire bricks come in, specifically designed to withstand direct fire. On the other hand, the ring’s exterior doesn’t require fire resistance but needs to be heat resistant. In this case, regular retaining wall blocks will suffice.

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