The Tentgirl

Resolving Concerns & Finding Jobs With A Kid

Can You Work Camp with A Kid: 6 Concerns & 7 Solutions [For Efficiency]

I’ve learned about work camping with a kid. I had a hard time finding family-friendly jobs on the road. Workamping isn’t just for retirees. It’s an opportunity for families like mine to explore new places.

I can work remotely while camping with my kid. I can balance childcare and work responsibilities with proper planning and a supportive environment. I even have my pet along for the adventure.

I will share my experience of working and camping with a kid and provide practical tips and advice on making this lifestyle work for you and your family.

Can You Work Camp With A Kid: 6 Resolving Concerns

Resolving concerns about working at camp with a child

I wanted to share my experience with others who may be wondering if it’s possible to work camp with children. Many people have concerns about bringing their kids to work camping jobs, but it can be done successfully with the proper preparation and communication.

  • I must look for child-friendly work camping jobs when I am seeking work camping jobs. I want to ensure that the campsites, RV parks, or other employers I consider don’t have restrictions or policies that would make it hard or impossible for me to bring my children along.
  • I will thoroughly research opportunities, communicate with potential employers, and inquire about my child’s job details, family resources, and expectations.
  • I believe that communication with employers will be critical to a successful work camping experience with children. I plan to be upfront about my situation and ask any necessary questions to avoid misunderstandings or conflicts later.
  • I’m excited about the opportunity for my kids to experience new things and learn valuable skills while working camping. They can help with tasks like cleaning, maintenance, or customer service. They can also explore the local area and participate in activities like hiking or fishing.
  • I realize that work camping is a great way to teach my children responsibility, teamwork, and independence. I’m looking forward to the opportunity for them to grow and learn while working as a family on the road.
  • I believe that working as a family while on the road is possible with proper planning and communication with potential employers. I’m confident that we can find work camping jobs that allow us to make lasting memories together on our journey.

Work Camp With Kids: 7 Solutions

Being a traveling mother is no easy feat, especially with a baby and a pet. But let me tell you, I’ve been there, and I want to share my experience with you.

  • First and foremost, look for RV parks, campgrounds, and national parks that offer kid-friendly work camping positions. Trust me, it’s a win-win situation.
  • At some locations, I’ve encountered jobs like activity coordinators, pool attendants, and babysitters. These jobs allow me to combine work with fun, providing a safe and fun environment for my child while earning a living.
  • Before applying for any job, I recommend thoroughly researching the area and job requirements. It’s better to know if a work camping job suits families.
  • Also, consider the lifestyle that living on the road entails. Consider your child’s cost of travel, healthcare, and education options.
  • Supplementing your income is crucial when working camping with a kid. Starting a blog and sharing our family’s adventures on the road is a creative way to do so.
  • Another option to explore is virtual freelancing, which allows me to work from anywhere worldwide, including our RV.
  • Working with a kid can be challenging, but it is a unique opportunity to bond and create unforgettable memories. With the right kid-friendly working jobs, proper research, and income supplementation, my family and I enjoy this exciting lifestyle.

Child Camp Work: 4 Factors to Consider

4 Factors to Consider When Planning Child Camps

I’m all for finding family-friendly camping sites. When selecting a campground, I look for swimming pools, playgrounds, and hiking paths suitable for families.

  • I am most concerned about the health and safety of my children when I travel with them. I research the area’s medical facilities and emergency services beforehand, pack a first-aid kit and use car seats and seat belts properly.
  • I also take the responsibility of identifying and addressing any potential hazards. For example, I fix broken picnic tables and remove sharp objects from the ground.
  • I struggle to balance work and family time as a working mom. I set realistic expectations for my work hours and prioritize family time to manage this. I designate specific times for work and plan enjoyable family activities during our free time.
  • I ensure I have the necessary permits and licenses when traveling with a child. This includes keeping car and RV registrations up to date. I also provide current vaccinations and health certificates for pets and children. I research and follow state laws on
    car seat age and weight requirements.


I have found that the rewards of working with a child outweigh the challenges. My baby and pet have seen more of the world than most adults. Workamping has been an excellent opportunity to bond, explore new places, and make lifelong memories.

I recommend researching, planning, and preparing before embarking on this lifestyle. Working camping with a kid offers a unique chance to experience the world together. Don’t let concerns hold you back from this adventure.


I enjoy camping with my little ones so much that I return for more. I’ve found that there’s a lot I can do to make my first camping trip with infants and toddlers go smoothly. I always pick campgrounds with lots of amenities.

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